Borders book signing

Borders book signing
Browsings, Musings and Living a Writer's Life

Friday, November 27, 2009

After the turkey and before the goose.

My sister-in-law came to my rescue and did Thanksgiving dinner. Delicious! Thinking about past Thanksgivings; whether to stuff or not to stuff ? -- that is the question.
There's no reason not to cook the stuffing inside the bird, if you wait until just before roasting. Don't add eggs if you allow the bread mixture to sit too long at room temperature. Add the eggs at the last minute.

I've cooked everything from the Christmas goose to wild boar. You gotta try it at least once. Take a goose, for example, no pun intended. Saurkraut is used as a wonderful flavoring and grease-cutter stuffed inside said goose in the Alsace part of France. Toss in a few juniper berries and voila! To back up a little; in Kafka's cookbook ROASTING, poaching the goose first removes removes excess grease.

A request for a roast leg of lamb for Christmas Eve is under consideration.

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